Draw Binary Search Tree Java

Here's a very versatile tree printer. Not the best looking, but it handles a lot of cases. Feel free to add slashes if you can figure that out. enter image description here

          package com.tomac120.NodePrinter;  import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List;  /**  * Created by elijah on 6/28/16.  */ public class NodePrinter{     final private List<List<PrintableNodePosition>> nodesByRow;     int maxColumnsLeft = 0;     int maxColumnsRight = 0;     int maxTitleLength = 0;     String sep = " ";     int depth = 0;      public NodePrinter(PrintableNode rootNode, int chars_per_node){         this.setDepth(rootNode,1);         nodesByRow = new ArrayList<>(depth);         this.addNode(rootNode._getPrintableNodeInfo(),0,0);         for (int i = 0;i<chars_per_node;i++){             //sep += " ";         }     }      private void setDepth(PrintableNode info, int depth){         if (depth > this.depth){             this.depth = depth;         }         if (info._getLeftChild() != null){             this.setDepth(info._getLeftChild(),depth+1);         }         if (info._getRightChild() != null){             this.setDepth(info._getRightChild(),depth+1);         }     }      private void addNode(PrintableNodeInfo node, int level, int position){         if (position < 0 && -position > maxColumnsLeft){             maxColumnsLeft = -position;         }         if (position > 0 && position > maxColumnsRight){             maxColumnsRight = position;         }         if (node.getTitleLength() > maxTitleLength){            maxTitleLength = node.getTitleLength();         }         List<PrintableNodePosition> row = this.getRow(level);         row.add(new PrintableNodePosition(node, level, position));         level++;          int depthToUse = Math.min(depth,6);         int levelToUse = Math.min(level,6);         int offset = depthToUse - levelToUse-1;         offset = (int)(Math.pow(offset,Math.log(depthToUse)*1.4));         offset = Math.max(offset,3);           PrintableNodeInfo leftChild = node.getLeftChildInfo();         PrintableNodeInfo rightChild = node.getRightChildInfo();         if (leftChild != null){             this.addNode(leftChild,level,position-offset);         }         if (rightChild != null){             this.addNode(rightChild,level,position+offset);         }     }      private List<PrintableNodePosition> getRow(int row){         if (row > nodesByRow.size() - 1){             nodesByRow.add(new LinkedList<>());         }         return nodesByRow.get(row);     }      public void print(){         int max_chars = this.maxColumnsLeft+maxColumnsRight+1;         int level = 0;         String node_format = "%-"+this.maxTitleLength+"s";         for (List<PrintableNodePosition> pos_arr : this.nodesByRow){             String[] chars = this.getCharactersArray(pos_arr,max_chars);             String line = "";             int empty_chars = 0;             for (int i=0;i<chars.length+1;i++){                 String value_i = i < chars.length ? chars[i]:null;                 if (chars.length + 1 == i || value_i != null){                     if (empty_chars > 0) {                         System.out.print(String.format("%-" + empty_chars + "s", " "));                     }                     if (value_i != null){                         System.out.print(String.format(node_format,value_i));                         empty_chars = -1;                     } else{                         empty_chars = 0;                     }                 } else {                     empty_chars++;                 }             }             System.out.print("\n");              int depthToUse = Math.min(6,depth);             int line_offset = depthToUse - level;             line_offset *= 0.5;             line_offset = Math.max(0,line_offset);              for (int i=0;i<line_offset;i++){                 System.out.println("");             }               level++;         }     }      private String[] getCharactersArray(List<PrintableNodePosition> nodes, int max_chars){         String[] positions = new String[max_chars+1];         for (PrintableNodePosition a : nodes){             int pos_i = maxColumnsLeft + a.column;             String title_i = a.nodeInfo.getTitleFormatted(this.maxTitleLength);             positions[pos_i] = title_i;         }         return positions;     } }                  

NodeInfo class

          package com.tomac120.NodePrinter;  /**  * Created by elijah on 6/28/16.  */ public class PrintableNodeInfo {     public enum CLI_PRINT_COLOR {         RESET("\u001B[0m"),         BLACK("\u001B[30m"),         RED("\u001B[31m"),         GREEN("\u001B[32m"),         YELLOW("\u001B[33m"),         BLUE("\u001B[34m"),         PURPLE("\u001B[35m"),         CYAN("\u001B[36m"),         WHITE("\u001B[37m");          final String value;         CLI_PRINT_COLOR(String value){             this.value = value;         }          @Override         public String toString() {             return value;         }     }     private final String title;     private final PrintableNode leftChild;     private final PrintableNode rightChild;     private final CLI_PRINT_COLOR textColor;      public PrintableNodeInfo(String title, PrintableNode leftChild, PrintableNode rightChild){         this(title,leftChild,rightChild,CLI_PRINT_COLOR.BLACK);     }      public PrintableNodeInfo(String title, PrintableNode leftChild, PrintableNode righthild, CLI_PRINT_COLOR textColor){         this.title = title;         this.leftChild = leftChild;         this.rightChild = righthild;         this.textColor = textColor;     }      public String getTitle(){         return title;     }      public CLI_PRINT_COLOR getTextColor(){         return textColor;     }      public String getTitleFormatted(int max_chars){         return this.textColor+title+CLI_PRINT_COLOR.RESET;         /*         String title = this.title.length() > max_chars ? this.title.substring(0,max_chars+1):this.title;         boolean left = true;         while(title.length() < max_chars){             if (left){                 title = " "+title;             } else {                 title = title + " ";             }         }         return this.textColor+title+CLI_PRINT_COLOR.RESET;*/     }      public int getTitleLength(){         return title.length();     }      public PrintableNodeInfo getLeftChildInfo(){         if (leftChild == null){             return null;         }         return leftChild._getPrintableNodeInfo();     }      public PrintableNodeInfo getRightChildInfo(){         if (rightChild == null){             return null;         }         return rightChild._getPrintableNodeInfo();     } }                  

NodePosition class

          package com.tomac120.NodePrinter;  /**  * Created by elijah on 6/28/16.  */ public class PrintableNodePosition implements Comparable<PrintableNodePosition> {     public final int row;     public final int column;     public final PrintableNodeInfo nodeInfo;     public PrintableNodePosition(PrintableNodeInfo nodeInfo, int row, int column){         this.row = row;         this.column = column;         this.nodeInfo = nodeInfo;     }      @Override     public int compareTo(PrintableNodePosition o) {         return Integer.compare(this.column,o.column);     } }                  

And, finally, Node Interface

          package com.tomac120.NodePrinter;  /**  * Created by elijah on 6/28/16.  */ public interface PrintableNode {     PrintableNodeInfo _getPrintableNodeInfo();     PrintableNode _getLeftChild();     PrintableNode _getRightChild(); }                  


Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4965335/how-to-print-binary-tree-diagram-in-java

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